PHONE: 330-394-2538

Trumbull Mobile Meals offers a unique advertising opportunity to local businesses. You can sponsor our 28 daily delivery routes for just $500.00 per year.

How it works:

  1. Every week, a 2” x 2 5/8” label that identifies your business will be placed on our meal bags for a particular route. Wording on the label states: This meal is sponsored by, your business name, address, and phone number. You can add a small logo if you like. Logo must be emailed to and be in JPEG or PDF format.
  2. If you would like a brochure or flyer to be added to the meal bags, you can provide them as a tri-folded brochure or flyer or a 4x6 postcard style.  
  3. Your business label will rotate through each of our 28 routes—one route each week—and repeat the process for one year reaching on average 275 meal subscriber’s homes during each rotation cycle.
  4. A special section on our website dedicated to “Route Sponsors” where your business information will be displayed.
  5. Special mention in our Newsletter which is distributed via our Constant Contact® email list to nearly 600 individuals/agencies three times a year AND is accessible in its entirety on our website.
  6. Your sponsorship will be observed by our volunteers which include our board and committee members in addition to our daily packers and drivers—who represent nearly 300 community minded, caring individuals.

It is our hope that you will become a partner in our mission showing our subscribers that your business cares about the plight for hunger. All monies received, stay in Trumbull County.

Are you interested in becoming a TMM partner?

Please call our Marketing Coordinator, Deb at 330-394-2538 ext. 102 or email at
Only the first five interested parties can partake in “Route Sponsorship” each year.